Customer Completed Samplers

Ann Lawle by Ilana Kaye

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Mary Hurst by Ilana Kaye

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JCS 1707 by Ilana Kaye

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Mary Ann Healey by Ilana Kaye

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Joyce Leedes by Ilana Kaye

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Coraggio By Ilana Kaye

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Winter Wall of Samplers by Pat Clements

Hi Marsha,Thought I would send an updated picture since I have added several samplers. I call this my “Winter Wall of Samplers” as I do most of my cross stitching when it’s cold out. I am really enjoying seeing all of the other samplers & knowing that I am not alone in my wonderful addiction…

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Mary Hurst

Dear Marsha,The sampler Mary Hurst was easy and varied to embroider. I have enjoyed it! Greetings from Germany. Sigrid Eckel Get your own kit, graph or model of Mary Hurst.

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Judeth Payne Sibmacher American Quaker by Donna Demers

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Piping Shepherd

Made by Bonnie Chamberlain Dear Marsha,Here is the finished and framed Piping Shepherd sampler. The finished size on 25 count is 21″ x 16″. It did take extra threads for the 25 count but Marsha was quick to send the requests for shortages in the mail. I worked on the piece for two years some…

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Three More TSL Samplers made by Connie

Hi, Marsha,I love your new website format and spent some time browsing this morning. I hope to have more time to browse more and shop again. I like the new customer stitching feature. Attached are some TSL pieces I’ve completed, with more to do in my stash. 1. M.A. Tipper sampler reproduction.A Bristol, England orphanage…

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Dorothy Walpole by Michele Barton

Good Afternoon Marsha,I thought I would send you a picture of my completed Dorothy. I loved stitching her. I loved the variety of stitches in the pattern. When I took her to be framed, my framer who also stitches showed her to a lot of people who loved her too. I think the frame really…

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