An English sampler from the collection of the Wisconsin State Historical Society
In the early eighteenth century samplers began to evolve from long vertical bands into more rectangular shapes. They began to incorporate more pictorial and scenic images and scenes such as those found on seventeenth century canvas and stumpwork pictures. Alphabets, numerals and verses prevailed but the sampler evolved both as an exercise in needlework technique as well as a vehicle for creative artistic expression. Common themes were scenes based on biblical stories, but the popularity of bucolic, pastoral scenes increased. Mary Hammand’s sampler/canvas work piece melds these themes with a traditional sampler at the center surrounded by pastoral images on either side of it. The verses on the sampler are as follows:
Gods love and G(oo)dness Has Been Shown in sending From His blessed throne his blessed only son to die that We the race might run *MH*
The days of our years Are three score years And ten and If By Reason of strength they Be Four score years yet Is their Strength Labour and Sorrow For It is Soon Cut Off and we Flie Away Psalms the XC verse the 10
Delight in Learning soon will Bring A child to Learn the hardest thing
Mary Hammand her Samplar Aged 11 years November the 10 day 1732
It’s interesting to note that she spelled the surname of her parents “Hamond” and her surname “Hammand”—perhaps attributable to her lack of delight in learning?
Stitches used in the sampler include cross stitch over one and two threads of linen, counted satin, back and eyelet. On 35 count linen the finished reproduction measures approximately 21″ x 17-1/2″
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