Samplers by Karen

Dear Marsha,
Hi Marsha.. was just on your site and saw that you are looking for pics for your gallery… I am able to help if you are interested… last year I finished both Jane Rees and Jane Atkinson… I have attached both of them for you and the last several are both pieces up on the wall.. Feel free to use whichever ones you want. And thank you so much for charting these wonderful pieces.. they were a joy to stitch… If you need any more information please feel free to contact me.
Karen Bugg
Myerstown, Pa
Hi again… found another one for you …. Ann Grimshaw and the second photo is her up on the wall among her many friends :))) I guess you would say I am addicted to samplers.. LOL…. hope these help your gallery.. It is great when others can see these charts really do get stitched and not just collected