
Miriem Brocklehurst 1726

From: $18.00

Origin and date: England, 1726
Rated: Intermediate
Linen count and finished size: 35 count, 10-3/4″x17-3/4″
Stitches: Cross, double running, eyelet, counted satin, Florentine
Source: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England

SKU: samp-84 Categories: , Tags: ,


This sampler is a good example of the work done during the transitional period of samplermaking, from the seventeenth to the second quarter of the eighteenth centuries, where the form gradually followed the function. No longer specifically a pattern record, samplers were becoming  art in their own right. This example uses just the humble cross stitch to create an intricate geometric horizontal pattern band.

Miriem Brocklehurst is my name
And with my hand I wrought the same
Whan (sic) I was eleven years old
The working of it is worth gold
In the year of our Lord 1726
In the reign of King George I these lines Parfixt

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