Elizabeth Lilly 1801

From: $27.00

SKU: samp-elizabeth-lilly Categories: , Tags: , ,


This is a reproduction of an English sampler that features a four-sided carnation border, centering many intricate organic petit point motifs.  The large mansion house dominates the central reserve, standing above an extensive pasture occupied by two very large and cockeyed sheep.  These imaginative creatures graze in fields full of flowers.
Stitches used in the sampler are very basic: petit point (cross stitch over one thread of linen), cross-stitch, and a few straight stitches. On 32-count linen, the finished reproduction will measure approximately 12″ x 16″, almost the same size as the original antique sampler.  The project is not difficult but it is recommended for the intermediate level only because of the amount of petit point required.
Kits include the graph, instructions, linen, floss (silk or cotton), and a needle.
Finished model with frame available

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