Blessed Are the Sons of Peace
From: $29.00
A needlework picture in the style of the middle eighteenth century
The title of this exciting and vibrant needlework picture comes from a psalm written by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), whose works inspired many verses stitched on samplers and needlework pictures during and long after his death. In 1702 he was appointed pastor of Mark Lane Chapel, an important Congregational church in London, but poor health caused him to retire soon thereafter although he continued to participate in his church’s activities. He wrote prodigiously throughout his life composing more than 750 hymns. Here is the full text of the title verse- Psalm 133- on “Love and worship in a family”:
1 Bless’d are the sons of peace,
Whose hearts and hopes are one,
Whose kind designs to serve and please
Through all their actions runs.
2 Bless’d is the pious house
Where zeal and friendship meet;
Their songs of praise, their mingled vows,
Make their communion sweet.
3 Thus when on Aaron’s head
They poured the rich perfume,
The oil through all his raiment spread,
And pleasure fill’d the room.
4 Thus on the heav’nly hills
The saints are bless’d above,
Where joy, like morning dew, distils,
And all the air is love.
Stitches used to execute this needlework picture are cross (over one and two threads of linen), counted satin, back, double running, and turkey work (a looped and cut technique as used for rug hooking, only on a much finer scale). On 35 count linen the finished piece will measure approximately 14″ x 17-1/2″. The project is recommended for intermediate to advanced needle workers. The graph has been printed in full color.
I wish to thank Sigrid Eckel for so beautifully stitching the model.
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Format Options | Silk Floss, Cotton Floss, Graph Only |