Personalized Quaker Samplers

by Deb McCann

I recall reading that the Scarlet Letter was interested in knowing how stitchers personalized samplers. I enjoy stitching reproduction samplers,and was introduced to this in 2003 when I had broken my ankle and needed something to do that was meaningful. I had done cross stitch on aida but never stitched on linen. The dear friend who introduced me stitches her reproductions samplers exactly as printed, changing only the name of the stitcher. I’ve not been so faithful. I will attach a couple examples.

The first change I ever made was when, while stitching, I rec’d a call that my brother had been hospitalized with a heart attack. In the all black thread sampler, I stopped and stitched one red X instead of a black. On the next sampler i stitched “Jonathan’s 25th” on my son’s birthday. Things sort of grew from there. While stitching I frequently incorporate the name of a child or sibling on his or her birthday; a graduation, anniversary, engagement, death, a national or international event, such as tsunami or earthquake, the naming of a new pope, a mine disaster, a deadly hurricane. The framers have frequently commented – in an enthusiastic manner- about these small changes.

In one of the photos I sent, there are waves in the upper right quadrant. that was the time of the christmas 2004 tsunami. I have had carpal tunnel surgery in both hands and now am having problems with my thumbs so my stitching has slowed some.

Thanks for your affirmation.

I simply love your site, and so enjoy working your samplers…..the Quaker are my favorite.

Deb McCann
Newark, DE