Antique Samplers
Mary Cheshire 1842
MARY CHESHIRE 1842An unusual English sampler with a four-sided bargello border. A little girl is riding a donkey and follows her spaniel. On the right, there is a tree with a large rooster on top of it and a hunter below. Two large butterflies hover in the sky.The rosewood veneer frame is probably original. The…
Read MoreHannah Heath Vandewater 1832
HANNAH HEATH VANDEWATER 1832 A New England sampler This is an American band sampler executed in cross and eyelet stitches with silk thread on homespun linen, consisting of alphabets and numerals, two houses with three trees between them, and below that a wider section with five more stylized trees, above the inscription. She was eleven…
Read MoreH. Seckel 1830
H. SECKEL, circa 1830 Possibly Continental, with a four-sided floral border centering an octagonal cartouche with a weeping willow tree at its center. It could be a memorial sampler. Stitches used are cross, four-sided, and freehand stem. There is some fading, staining, and a few small holes around the edges. Otherwise, it has very good…
Read MoreIsobella Wilkie 1799
ISOBELLA WILKIE 1799 This is a wonderful, classic Scottish “mansion house” sampler, beginning with a wide arcaded band of stylized pansies across the followed by a verse: In thy fair book of life divine My god inscribe my name There let it fill some humble place beneath the slaughtered lamb A mansion house is fronted…
Read MoreSarah Atkin 1822
SARAH ATKIN 1822 Aged nine years, 25 March 1822, Stapleford A wonderful English sampler in possibly original magnificent figured maple veneered frame, with large stylized lions at the top, above three verses, all within a four-sided floral border. Excellent condition apart from slight fading, executed mostly in cross stitch with some straight stitches as embellishments…
Read MoreMartha Whitworth 1819
MARTHA WHITWORTH 1819 An English sampler with a four-sided artichoke-like border with a verse, flanked by outsized stylized flowers and leaves. The verse is:Be Christ my pattern and my guideThis image may I bearO may I tread his sacred stepsAnd his bright glories share Below the date, she has stitched a woman in a trailing…
Read MoreMary Ford 1802
MARY FORD 1802 English sampler depicting flying cherubs, a stag, dogs, a cow, and sheep, stitched with silk on linen in three tiers. The first tier includes two lines of alphabet and numerals above her name, followed by “Born October 20 1788”. A sun’s face peers out from beneath a bank of cheerful clouds, beside…
Read MoreMary Randal 1803
MARY RANDAL Aged 9 years 1803 This English sampler features an unusual and amusing hunting scene with a hunter on horseback pursuing a single stag with a pack of ten spotted hounds (beagles?) A four sided floral border centers five tiers of design including floral motifs and trees. The verse is: Give me O Lord…
Read MoreElizabeth Lilly 1801
ELIZABETH LILLY 1801 An English sampler with a four-sided carnation border centering many intricate petit point floral and birds motifs. There is a large mansion house at the center. The lower third features two of the most imaginative sheep I’ve ever seen on a sampler. They’re in an extensive pasture with flowers flanking the cartouche…
Read MoreMargaret Reid 1837
MARGARET REID 1837 Possibly Scottish, a very well-preserved sampler that was likely never framed. (There is an acquisition tag sewn to the edge but the source collection is unknown.) An unusual, elaborate four-sided floral and leaf border surrounds a central reserve with a brief moral verse, Adam and Eve with a turquoise serpent under the…
Read MoreAnn Dent 1799
ANN DENT HER SAMPLER FINISHED DECEMBER 23 1806 BORN APRIL THE 9 1799 That’s as much as I can say about Ann Dent’s sampler, which I believe was made in New England on homespun linen with very fine wool threads. It’s an alphabet sampler with a few geometric pattern bands. Stitches used are cross, eyelet,…
Read MoreMary Patton 1803
MARY PATTON 1803 An American band sampler stitched on homespun linen with silk threads, consisting of alphabets, numerals, inscription, and spot motifs within a three-sided floral border. The inscription: Mary Patton her sampler made in the 11 year of her age 1803 Ambitious stitches used in her sampler are cross, eyelet, Queen, counted satin, and…
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