Scarlet Letter Catalog
Dear Marsha,
Last night over a glass of wine, a friend asked me if I believe in fate. Fate, yes, I answered. Pre-destiny, no. I mention this rather weighty conversation because when I sorely need a diversion from the tedium of life, a Scarlet Letter supplement arrives. Whatever the reason, No. 27 was in my mail box at the end of a long day. I made the time to revel in its color, the descriptions and the type fonts…as I do each time a supplement arrives. My desks are cluttered with “to do” piles, and unread letters & literature; but somehow I always manage to find time for the Scarlet Letter.
I honestly do believe that despite all the newcomers on the scene, and museum catalogs, seminars & the like, you have done more to inculcate a love and understanding of samplers than any other person in the industry (if you can call it that). In any event, I appreciate your work enough to grab my fountain pen and real paper, and tell you so. All too frequently simple “thank yous” are left unspoken. Not this time. It’s time for this sentimental slob to get on with her day.

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