Sarah Carnabey 1766
This is an exquisitely stitched English sampler worked with brightly colored silk threads on fine linen in a variety of stitches, including cross, eyelet, petit point, and back/double running. A four-sided floral border surrounds two rows of cross-stitched alphabets and one row of eyelet-stitched numerals. The verse is:
O may I always ready stand
With my Lamp burning in my Hand
May I in Sight of Heav’n rejoice
When’er I hear the Bridegroom’s Voice!
Sarah Carnabey Finish’d this Samplar September ye 13 1766: Aged 10 years
The color is excellent, unfaded, except perhaps for the verse. There are scattered small holes to the ground. It is framed in a modern bird’s eye maple frame which is in excellent condition.
Sampler alone: 10-1/4″ x 12-1/4″
Framed sampler: 18-1/2″ x 20-1/2″