Rosa 17th Century Canvaswork Vignette

From: $5.00

SKU: samp-45 Category: Tag:


From pagan symbol for love to complex metaphor for Christian virtues, the rose appears again and again in legend and art throughout history. Roses blooming in mid-winter, roses without thorns springing from the graves of lovers, its spectral fragrance scenting the air in the chill of autumn, the Virgin Mary as a rose, the five-petalled rosa mystica of medieval ascetics: it blossoms in many different forms, its symbolism as varied as the culture that interprets it. The rose has also been a popular needlework motif, symbolically, politically (e.g. the Tudor rose), and aesthetically. This design was derived from an early 17th century “slip” (i.e. a motif worked by itself, meant to be cut out and applied to a larger piece), based on illustrations in early 16th century herbals. These designs were generally drawn onto the linen canvas then outlined in black cross stitch. Our design, worked on a 30 count linen, employs cross stitch over one thread of linen (petit point). The finished piece will measure approximately 3-1/2 inches square.

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