Mary Ann Macdonald 1821

From: $15.00

A four-sided honeysuckle border worked in pastels surrounds the extensive landscape featured on this fine sampler, with two verses above it.

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A four-sided honeysuckle border worked in pastels surrounds the extensive landscape featured on this fine sampler, with two verses above it. A smiling angel unfurls a cartouche banner over an agrarian scene with a stately stone farmhouse alongside grazing sheep and chickens. On the original sampler, Mary Ann had left her needle in the linen in the lower right corner, including a tail of silk thread used to finish the last stitch. We have done the same with the needle used to stitch our model – a poignant touch!

Origin and date: English 1821
Rated: Intermediate to Advanced
Linen count and finished size: 40-count, 16-1/2″x21-1/2″
Stitches: cross, counted satin, stem filling, and tent
Source: Private collection

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