Helen Vertue 1812

From: $20.00

SKU: samp-461 Category: Tag:


A beautiful meandering four-sided floral border in an unusually rich color palette surrounds this traditional Scottish sampler, also featuring a beautiful arcaded floral band at the top and a substantial mansion house in the lower register. Trees, tulips and flying birds flank the house, above which Helen has stitched this verse:

While thus my fingers oer the sampler rove The leters (sic) form or teach the flowers to blow Oh may my soul aspire to worlds above And learn betimes eternal things to know

Stitches used in the sampler are cross, petit point (cross stitch over one thread of linen), eyelet, queen, counted satin and back stitch. On 35 count linen it will measure approximately 15″ x 16-1/2″, like the original, which is in the collection of The Scarlet Letter. The sampler is recommended for any skill level.

View the original antique sampler here

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