Elizabeth Burrows 1725

From: $6.00

Origin and date: England, 1725
Rated: Beginning
Linen count and finished size: 35 count, 9-1/2″x7″
Stitches: Cross, Montenegrin cross, Italian, eyelet, herringbone, counted satin
Source: Private collection

SKU: samp-86 Category: Tags: ,


This small early eighteenth century English alphabet sampler is actually more challenging than it appears at first glance. Stitched over two, three, and four threads of linen, it manages to incorporate several types of stitches into its diminutive size. The lettering styles are like those found on seventeenth century samplers. Almost perfectly unfaded, the colors of silk floss used in our reproduction were matched to those on the front of the original sampler. The date of Elizabeth Burrow’s birth, stitched at 179 on the last line of the sampler, can be explained by colloquial speech: the year 1709 would commonly be pronounced ‘seventeen nine.’ She was sixteen years old when she stitched this sampler.

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