Mary Sherwood 1726
MARY SHERWOOD 1726 This museum quality sampler was made with an enormous variety of minute stitches and retains its original vivid color on both the front and the back. It has been professionally cleaned and conserved and has been framed between sheets of conservation glass to display the remarkable reversible and unfaded stitching on the front and the back. Some of the many complex stitches used are montenegrin cross, double herringbone, double running, buttonhole, detached buttonhole, Hollie point, trellis, ceylon, chain, braid, bullion and gobelin. The pious verse at the bottom is followed by her attribution: MARY SHERWOOD MADE ANNO DOMINI 1726.
Teach me to love the Lord with all my heart and might…
This is one of the most amazing samplers that I have ever seen. 8-1/2″ x 19″.