Antique Samplers

Abigail Bacon 1798

An American sampler stitched with silk on homespun linen in a variety of stitches including cross, counted satin, freehand stem and satin, eyelet and split. Six rows of alphabets are surrounded by a beautifully executed floral cartouche. The sampler is signed at the bottom, and the date and her age (10 years) appear at the…

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This lovely little sampler comes from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and has been cleaned and conserved by their staff. Stitches used are cross and counted satin.The verse can be mostly read: Your —- like sandProvide——– before too lateNor leave to an uncertain dayThe interests of an endless stateThey who can call…

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Mary Ann Chamberlin

Beautiful English sampler featuring the Lord’s Prayer over Adam and Eve in the garden, surrounded by oversized flowers and trees, as well as numerous birds and animals including a peacock, squirrel, stag, cow, and several dogs. Flying cherubs in the sky carry cartouches with crowns. The four sides floral border is delicately stitched in pastels.…

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AW 1662

A fine early English band sampler in excellent condition, professionally cleaned, mounted and framed behind UV filtering museum glass. The sampler is stitched almost entirely in Montenegrin cross and double running stitches, featuring numerous traditional pattern bands. There are various alphabets at the bottom, and it is dated 1662 with the initials “AW” in red…

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Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with Cherubs and Animals

This rare needlework picture, circa 1800, depicts Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, surrounded by animals, birds, butterflies and flying cherubs. The tree is elaborately stitched with a very wicked looking serpent coiling around, about to bite into an apple held by Eve, Realistically stitched animals include a large horned stag in the…

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Susana How Whitchurch

SUSANNA HOW WHITCHURCHOCTOBER 5, 1822 This lovely little sampler comes from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and has been cleaned and conserved by their staff. Stitches used are cross and counted satin.The verse can be mostly read: Your —- like sandProvide——– before too lateNor leave to an uncertain dayThe interests of an…

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Mary Ann Chamberlin

Beautiful English sampler featuring the Lord’s Prayer over Adam and Eve in the garden, surrounded by oversized flowers and trees, as well as numerous birds and animals including a peacock, squirrel, stag, cow, and several dogs. Flying cherubs in the sky carry cartouches with crowns. The four sides floral border is delicately stitched in pastels.…

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Ann Golding

This sampler is in nearly perfect condition, meticulously executed in cross stitch and petit point. It features an elaborate four sided floral border of roses and violet. The upper register includes butterflies and birds, centering a magnificent peacock. Below that are potted plants centering a basket of flowers. The lower register depicts an elaborate rambling…

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Mary Stoppard

In the 19th century, one of the most important parts of the school curriculum for young girls was the mastering of sewing and darning skills, as they were expected to be able to make and repair clothing. Each school taught a slightly different skill set but they were all, basically, being able to create many…

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Continental Sampler

Three horizontal rows of alphabets and numerals are stitched above a vibrant lower register featuring potted flowers, crowns, initials, and intricate geometric spot motifs, finely executed on linen with silk.

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Ann Wainwright 1838

English sampler with a large church and rectory/stone house at the top, with a six line verse beneath. There is a charming four sided floral border and various spot motifs stitched about including cherubs in the sky, butterflies, flowers and trees. Color and condition very good, minor fading, stitched entirely in cross stitch. 21″ x…

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