Ann Medd
by Debbie Roman
Dear Marsha –
I was just looking around on your website and saw that you would like to have pictures of finished Scarlett Letter samplers so I thought that I would send a picture of Ann Medd to you.
I so enjoyed working on Ann, although she took me almost five years to finish. The description of “Mother of All Samplers” definitely fit. While I stitched the sampler, I broke it into sections as the sampler seems to be made up of five different samplers. I work a section and then set it down for a while. It is an ambitious project, but you can only imagine my excitement when I finished it. Even my husband, who isn’t a sampler person at all, was quite impressed.
The only change I really made to the sampler was the zig-zag border between the verse and the center portion. As I work on a scroll rod and it is rather difficult to turn it to lay the floss for that border, I substituted perle cotton in the same color and it worked like a dream – giving it a little bit of texture.
Thank you Marsha for providing these charts to us. You have made a lot of sampler lovers very, very happy. I always look forward to your new releases.
Debbie Roman
Rochester Hills, Michigan