Ann Kelsall 1730

A very fine English sampler finished “August the 21, 1730”
The sampler begins with two lines of alphabets, numerals, the date, and attribution followed by another alphanumeric line. There are five more lines executed in cross, herringbone, and eyelet stitches, followed by two lines of alphabets executed in eyelet stitches.

The verses are:
Love and a crown no rivalship can bear for precious things are still possessed with care

Lord give me wisdom to direct my ways I beg not riches nor yet length of days

This work in hand my friends may have when I am dea…
The final line is left unfinished.

The sampler exhibits an enormous variety of finely executed stitches including herringbone, cross, petit point, eyelet, double running, montenegrin cross, chevron, detached buttonhole, Florentine, queen, and counted satin.

It is framed in an early (but probably not original) birdseye maple ogee frame. The sampler measures 9″ x 12-1/4″, with the frame it measures 11-3/4″ x 15″. Both color and condition are very good to excellent.