Ann How 1794
English sampler worked with silk threads on finely woven tammy (wool) cloth with alphabets and pious verses over a lower register featuring a small flock of sheep, facing stags, and a brick cottage. Stitches used are cross, eyelet and petit point, in shades of green, gold, black, blue, rose, brown and ivory. There is some damage to the background but it does not interfere with the design. The frame is possibly original. The verses read:
Favour is deceitful and Beauty is vain but a
Woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised.
Virtue the Brightest Gem a maid can Whear (sic) nor
can the Indies boast of one so fair all Jewels
far beneath its worth We find they but adorn
the Body not the Mind. Ann How July the 21
Fear God and Keep his Commandments
Love the Lord and he will be a tender Father unto thee. Ann How.
The sampler measures 13-3/4″ x 13-3/4″.