Welcome to another year of excellent new books and designs. Please visit my website to read and see what is new in the sampler world. Even more beautiful designs are on my drafting board and will be available before the snow melts including a classic Scottish sampler replete with illuminated letters better than I've ever seen before, an eighteenth century English sampler featuring silver pinwheels, and another Spanish design with exquisite counted satin stitch motifs.
Nicola Parkman is doing an online SAL (stitch-a-long) titled Nicola's Scarlet Letter Year at: http://scarletletteryear.blogspot.co.uk to celebrate her 50th birthday. You can participate by stitching and finishing one or more Scarlet Letter samplers between now and February 20, 2014. Those who post about their progress during the year will be eligible for monthly prizes. Each finished sampler will give you an entry in a grand prize drawing to be held on February 20, 2014. It will be lots of fun to see what the participants are stitching and watch their progress throughout the year.
All the best, Marsha
Tank is pleased that after almost five years, mama has finally completed this piece of needlework! There is no such thing as the frequently used oxymoron "an exact reproduction" Everything that I do requires educated leaps of faith based upon current and previous research if it is available. All of these designs are adaptations from original samplers. We use modern materials, we see through 21st century eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what the young girl in a different time and culture would have experienced while stitching her sampler.